Tell the House of Representatives to
We just became one of the first and only major organizations in the United States and in the world to call for the impeachment of President Donald Trump in his second term. Trump’s attacks on the federal government and birthright citizenship are blatantly unconstitutional and 155 years ago Andrew Johnson was impeached and almost removed from office for less egregious actions than Trump’s.
President Trump’s flagrantly unconstitutional attempt to undo the Fourteenth Amendment via an Executive order to abolish birthright citizenship flies in the face of even the loosest possible reading of the Constitution. Likewise, his freeze on trillions of dollars of federal spending subverts Congress’ power of the purse which is well-established both constitutionally and through centuries of case law delivered by jurists with a wide spectrum of judicial and political ideologies.
We know that with a Republican-controlled Congress, our goal of impeachment and removal will be an uphill battle, but we nonetheless are spurred by the gravity of Trump’s actions. If Congress does not act, history will judge every one of its members for their inaction at such an existential crossroads for our nation.
We need to spread far and wide our message that Trump’s recent actions make him completely unfit for office and that starts with telling Congress to do their jobs and put Trump in his place — and that place certainly isn’t the White House.
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